2 Timothy: Concepts to Remember

1) 1:2,  Soul gifts from God.
2) 1:6,  Do not waste your spiritual life.
    1:6,  Use your spiritual gift.
3) 1:7;  Bold confidence through:  power,  love and sound judgement
            (ability,  application and attitude).
4) 1:8;  The relationship between shame,  suffering,  Gospel and power.
5) 1:9b,  The eternal Deity of Jesus Christ.
6) 1:10b,  The Gospel of Jesus Christ = immortal life.
7) 1:12,  Eternal reward (12b) overcomes suffering and shame (12a).
    1:12,  Faith knowledge (12b) overcomes suffering and shame (12a).
8) 1:14,  Bible Doctrine:  A treasure to be guarded.
9) 2:1,  Grace = power.
10) 2:4a,  Christian soldier = spiritual focus.  Compare 2 Corinthians
11) 2:4b,  Christian soldier = pleasing God.
12) 2:5,  The relationship between eternal reward and God’s way.
13) 2:7,  Positive volition for spiritual wisdom.  Compare John 4:26;
              16:13; 1 John 2:27 and James 1:5.
14) 2:9,  Suffering for the Gospel.
15) 2:11,  Death with Christ = salvation.  Compare Romans 6:1-11.
16) 2:12a,  Christian way of life function = eternal rewards.
17) 2:12b,  No faith function,  no eternal rewards.
18) 2:13,  Christian way of life faith malfunction cannot overcome Christ.
19) 2:14b, Biblical words lead to but are not edifying.  Compare 3:7.
      2:14b, Biblical words versus spiritual maturity.
      2:14b, Relationship with God not words.  Compare 3:15.
20) 2:15; Word of truth requires: Diligence, approval, workmen and
               straight cutting.
21) 2:17a, Unspiritual talk (16a): Spiritually terminal without amputation.
22) 2:17b-18, Eschatological error attacks faith.  Compare with 1
                     Thessalonians 5:9-11.
23) 2:19a, Eternal security overcomes eschatological error.
24) 2:19b, Applying Christian Way of Life Doctrine balances eternal
                security license.
25) 2:23, Rightly divided Doctrine (2:15) not speculations.
26) 2:24, God’s communication slave: No fighting, kind, skilled to teach
               and patient.
27) 2:25a, Gently correct unbelievers: Volitional appeal.
28) 2:25b-26, Truth or captivity: God versus Satan and human senses.
29) 3:2-5, Worldly oriented with competitive personal sins.   Compare
                Ephesians 2:3, 2 Timothy 3:13 and 3:8b.
30) 3:11, Divine delivery during suffering.
31) 3:12,  Wishing to live godly (good worshipper) = spiritual vision =
                being hunted.
32) 3:15, Scripture’s salvation power.
      3:15; Salvation takes: Scriptures, power, wisdom, faith and Christ
                Jesus. Compare 1 Peter 1:23 and Romans 10:17.
33) 3:16, Scripture’s authority and purpose.
34) 3:17, Scripture’s sufficiency.
35) 4:1; With all spiritual seriousness (1a), your judgement (1b) and
             eternal reward (1c) depend on verse 2.
36) 4:2, Five commands related to the Pastor and the Word of God.
37) 4:3a; Failing the time, endurance and Doctrine test in the Christian
               Way of Life.
38) 4:3b-4a, Self (8x in vv. 3-4) versus Doctrine.  Compare 2:20-21;
                   3:1-9, 13 and 1 Timothy 6:3-5.
39) 4:4b, Loss of truth = loss of freedom.
40) 4:5; Ministry: Priority (4 imperatives), diligence and evangelism.
      4:5; Ministry: Sober, hardship and work.
41) 4:8, Living unto judgement = reward.