Biblical Concept: Spiritual Vision


1) Spiritual vision and eternal perspective
2) Spiritual vision and a critical, objective, self-perspective.
3) Spiritual vision and temporal life.
4) Spiritual vision and end times.

1) Spiritual vision and eternal perspective

     Conclusions: 1)  God the Father secretly knows our spiritual
activities and will reward us eternally.  2)  The Christian life is filled with
spiritual activities that only God can see, and that only He can
appropriately spiritually reward.      Conclusions: 1)  Note the context of verses 16-17.  The sufferings
of the Christian Life are balanced by the knowledge that these sufferings
result in greater eternal reward.  2)  Unseen eternal things are infinitely
more important than this temporal life.  3)  The things of the “inner man”
(16b) have eternal ramifications (18b).  4)  Living life with an eternal
spiritual vision gives us confidence (note 16a).  5) Living life with an
eternal spiritual vision = reward (17b & 18b).      Conclusions:  1)  Christians believe in a God invisible to them.
Christians believe in promises related to an eternal future also invisible to
them.  2)  The Christian’s faith, however, through the indwelling Holy
Spirit’s encouragement (see Romans 8:14-16), is confidence building.
The Christian knows God exists, the Christian knows there is a heavenly
reward for them.  Compare 1 John 5:19a, “We know we are right.” (My
verse title.)      Conclusion: One of the reasons Moses was chosen of God to lead
Israel and speak with God, person to person, was his spiritual vision.      Conclusions:  1) In verses 15-18, Paul prays for the Ephesians’
spiritual enlightenment.  2)  In verse 17b, spiritual “wisdom” and
“knowledge” lead up to spiritual enlightenment (18a).  3)  In 18b-19a,
the Ephesians needed to gain enlightenment regarding God’s hope,
calling, riches, glory,  inheritance and power for Christians.  4) Spiritual
vision provides confidence in the Christian’s life (1:15-18).      Conclusions:  1) All members of the human race have the spiritual
vision to “see” that God exists.  2)  All humans have the potential for
eternal spiritual perspective.

2) Spiritual vision and a critical, objective, self-perspective.

     Conclusion:  Spiritual vision takes a critical personal objectivity.      Conclusions: 1)   In 2 Corinthians chapter 10, Paul is yet
attempting to improve the Corinthians’ spiritual vision related to spiritual
leaders.  Compare 1 Corinthians 3:4.  2)   The Corinthians were
evaluating spiritual leaders “outwardly.”  See 2 Corinthians 10:10-12.
3)  In 2 Corinthians 10:3-6, Paul makes one of the great descriptions of
living with spiritual vision--living oriented to and fighting in the Angelic
conflict.  The Corinthians were looking at things “outwardly” (2
Corinthians 10:7).  They were evaluating spiritual leaders outwardly (2
Corinthians 10:10b, 12b),  instead of with the spirit vision of: “How well
does this spiritual leader prepare me to fight in the Angelic Conflict?”      Conclusion:  The Laodicean Church needed to improve their
spiritual vision.  They were failing the prosperity test (verse 17).      Conclusion:  Diligence, faith, excellence, knowledge, self-control,
perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness and love (vv.5-7) build
spiritual vision.      Conclusion: False teachers have earthly visions which block eternal
spiritual vision.      Conclusion:  Keep part of your spiritual vision focused on yourself for maximum eternal reward.

3) Spiritual vision and temporal life.

     Conclusion:  As we live our earthly lives (12:1),  the manner in
which we will run with spiritual endurance (12:1b) is by fixing our eyes
on Jesus (12:2a).      Conclusion: Evangelism takes spiritual vision. 4) Spiritual vision and end times.