Biblical Concept: Simplicity

1) Vocabulary: haplotes from haploos - “single, simple, uncompounded.”

2) 2 Corinthians 1:12;  simplicity (holiness, NASB), sincerity, grace and

Conclusions:  1)  Simplicity (holiness,  NASB) was one of the manners in
which Paul “conducted” himself toward all.  2)  Simplicity leads to a clear
conscience (v.12a).  3)  Have you ever evaluated your conduct toward
others in the area of simplicity?  4)  Do you have an inclusive simplicity
toward others?

3) 2 Corinthians 11:3,  led astray from simplicity and purity of devotion
    to Christ.

Conclusions:  1)  Satan attacks simple devotion to Christ.  2)  Satan’s
attacks are described in the following context of 11:4, 6, 12-15.  3)  Do
you make your fellowship with Jesus Christ complex?

4) Ephesians 6:5,  simplicity (sincerity,  NASB) of heart unto Christ.

Conclusions:  1)  Simplicity relates to the obedience of 6:5a.  2)
Simplicity is the will of God, 6:5b-6.  3)  Simplicity must be real: of your
heart, 6:6-7.  4)  Simplicity is a volitional choice, 6:6-7.  5)  Simple
sincere service = reward, see 6:8.

5) Romans 12:8,  give with simplicity (liberality, NASB).

Conclusions:  1) The contextual section begins with a call for humility in
the body of Christ.  See vv. 3-4 of chapter 12.  2)  Those gifted in the
area of giving need to apply their spiritual gift with simplicity.  3)  Do you
give to the Church with strings attached?

6) Simplicity summary:  Simplicity should guide our giving, conduct,
conscience, devotion and obedience.  Simplicity will be attacked and