BIBLICAL CONCEPT: The Second Law of Thermal Dynamics

1.  Introduction: The Second Law of Thermal Dynamics, a scientific law,
     states that: “All complex systems run down.”  This scientific phenomena
     is also know as “entropy.”

2.  The Bible comments on this scientific truth in the following passages:

      a.  Psalm 102:25-26, “the heavens . . . will wear out like a garment.”
      b.  Ecclesiastes 3:20, “All came from the dust and all return to the
      c.  Isaiah 51:6, “the earth will wear out like a garment.”
      d.  Matthew 24:35, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words
           shall not pass away.”
      e.  Romans 8:20-22, “creation was subjected to futility . . . the whole
           creation groans and suffers . . .”
      f.   1 Peter 1:24, “all flesh is like grass . . . the grass withers and the
           flower falls off.”