Biblical Concept: Satan’s Snares

1)  Vocabulary: pagis = a snare, a trap.  Only found five times in the New
     Testament: Luke 21:35 (KJV), Romans 11:9, 1 Timothy 3:7, 1
     Timothy 6:9 and 2 Timothy 2:26.  A related vocabulary pagideuo is
     found in Matthew 22:15.

2)  2 Timothy 2:26; “and they may come to their senses and escape from
     the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will.”

     Conclusions: 1) Satan’s snare attacks people’s senses.  Senses is the
compound Greek word: ananepho. Ana = up, again and nepho = sober.
Satan attacks anything that promotes an upping of sober thinking.  I think
of the dumbing down of our culture today: education, military, the
judiciary, politics, religion, family, the press, etc.   2) “Having been held
captive by him to do his will,” states the goal of the snare.  Satan wants
the world spiritually “dumbed down” so he can have his way.  Compare
Ephesians 2:1-3.  3)  In the previous context,  those in “opposition”
(2:25) to the teaching (2:24) of Bible Doctrine are part of the snare.
Satan promotes this opposition.  4)  In the following context, worldly
oriented competitive personal sins (3:2-4) are part of the snare.  Satan
promotes sin.

3)  1 Timothy 3:7; “And he must have a good reputation with those
     outside the church, so that he may not fall into reproach and the
     snare of the devil.”

     Conclusions:   1)  “Those outside the church” is best understood as
unbelievers.  Even the most negligent Christian assembler is part of
Christ’s Church.  An unbeliever is outside.  Compare Colossians 4:5-6.  A
snare of the devil is to create a bad reputation for pastors among
unbelievers.  2)  “Reputation” is the Greek word marturia, and can be
also translated: evidence, testimony, attestation.  A snare of the devil is
among pastors who do not live the Christian Way Of Life.

4)  1 Timothy 6:9; “But those who want to get rich fall into temptation
     and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men
     into ruin and destruction.”

     Conclusions:  1)  Accounting for the context of 6:8, a desire for
possessions beyond food and covering is a snare. Self induced.   2)  In the
following context of 6:10, the snare of riches wanted, attacks the
Christian’s faith function in time.  Compare 1 Timothy 6:17-19.  3)  Satan
is not mentioned in these Timothy passages,  but I do not think riches
wanted is an area in the believer’s life left without his snares?

5)  Matthew 22:15;  “Then the Pharisees went and counseled together
     how they might trap Him in what He said.”

     Conclusions:  1)  This is an example of the subjective religious and
their use of snares (“trap”).  In the previous context of Matthew
21:45-46,  the Pharisees reaction to Jesus teaching about them also
reveals their spiritual subjectivity and aggression--motivations behind the
snare.  2)  Though Satan is not mentioned in this passage,  Jesus
commented on the connection between Pharisees and Satan in John
8:44.  I think the Pharisees were a valued resource to Satan in his various
attempts to snare Jesus.  Note Luke 4:13.  3)  Let us never have an
attitude that might cause another Christian to stumble (snared).  Compare
Romans 14:21.