Psalm Two: Concepts to Remember

Classification: Messianic

1) VV. 1-3, World rebellion against God’s leadership.

v. 1a, Peace on earth?--Not!
v. 1b, Empty people.  Compare Ecclesiastes 9:3.
v. 2, World religious war.  Compare Isaiah 14:12, 16-17; Daniel 10:13,
         20; Matthew 4:8-9; Revelation 13:1-8, 20:3 and 7-9.
v. 3, The World: “Cast off religious/spiritual restrictions.”  Compare v. 2,

2) VV. 4-6, God’s leadership is sovereign.

v. 4, A disgusted laugh.
v. 5, Communicate anger and fury.
v. 6, Take the world back.  Compare Matthew 4:8-9 and Revelation

3) VV. 7-9, The Sovereign Son.

v. 7, His promotion. Compare “anointed” in 2b, “King” in 6a and “Son”
        in 7b.
v. 8, His possessions: Nations and earth.
v. 9, His power: No contest.

4) VV. 10-12, Submit to the Son.

v. 10, Learn leaders.
vv. 11-12a, Fear leaders.
v. 12b, Blessing and refuge in the Son.