Psalm Twenty-Three: Concepts to Remember

Classification: A Psalm of Trust / Confidence

1) VV. 1-4, The Shepherd God.

v. 1a, God will guide.
v. 1b, God will provide.
v. 2, Physical provisions.  Compare Matthew 6:31-34 and 1 Timothy 6:8.
v. 3, Spiritual provisions.
v. 4, Divine protection from evil.
v. 4b, Comfort through strength.

2) VV. 5-6, The Host God.

v. 5a, Preparation against enemies.
v. 5b, Blessings from God.
v. 6a, Blessings on Earth.
v. 6b, Blessings for eternity.
Summary: God has a grace plan for our lives in this evil world.