Biblical Concept: Obedience, Subjection


1) Hupakouo (u`pakou,w) - hupo = under, akouo = to listen. Literally: to
    listen under.  Other definitions: obey, be subject to;  respond to, accept, adhere to;
    answer (the door).
2) Hupakoe (u`pakoh)  = obedience.
3) Hupekoos (u`ph,kooj) = obedient.
4) Hupotasso (u`pota,ssw) - hupo = under, tasso = arrange.  Literally: to
    arrange under.  Other definitions: be  subject, submit to, obey, be under the
    authority of; take a subordinate place.
5) Hupotage (u`potagh) = obedience,  submission, subordination.


1) The Father’s plan of obedience.
2) Jesus and obedience.
3) Salvation obedience.
4) Sin versus obedience.
5) Christian Way of Life obedience.

Note: All parentheses are mine.

1) The Father’s plan of obedience.

     Conclusion: Happily, one day future, all volitional creatures will be arranged
under the leadership of Jesus Christ.      Conclusion: The God-man Jesus Christ fulfilled the Father’s plan of subjection (obedience) of all things to Him--including Himself. Principle: God’s plan of obedience is the manner in which God will return order to every dimension of existence.

2) Jesus and obedience.

     Conclusion: How important was the obedience of Jesus Christ?      Conclusion: There is a relationship between obedience and suffering. Obedience is not easy.      Conclusion: Jesus Christ is the ultimate example of obedience.       Conclusion: The obedience of the God-man Jesus Christ in His childhood,
demonstrates His sinlessness and the humility of God--the Child being the Creator of
mankind.      Conclusion: The God-man Jesus Christ fulfilled the Father’s plan of subjection
(obedience) of all things to Him--including Himself (See point one: The Father’s plan
of obedience).  Principle: God’s plan of obedience is the manner in which God will
return order to every dimension of existence.

3) Salvation obedience.

4) Sin versus obedience.      Conclusion: Adam is one of the two most influential persons who has ever
lived. All after him are born in sin. Romans 5:17-19b demonstrates that Jesus Christ is
the other most influential person.      Conclusion: Dethrone reigning lusts. Have an attitude of improvement.      Conclusion: Humanity: Either/or obedient slaves.      Conclusion: Obedience is an important part of Church association.       Conclusion: Obedience is an important part of Church association. Note the
conflict of 10:1-5.      Conclusion: Obedient children have an attitude of improvement toward sin.

5) Christian Way of Life obedience.

     Conclusion: Application of the Scriptures is a vital part of obedience.      Conclusion: Obedience = applying the Scriptures when no one is looking.      Conclusion: Children, be authority oriented as unto the Lord.      Conclusion: Slaves (workers?),  be authority oriented as unto the Lord.      Conclusion: Obedience is not convenient.      Conclusion: Obedience is part of Paul’s ministry summary.  See 15:17-19.      Conclusion: Obedience pleases other Christians.      Conclusion: Biblical thinking = obedience to Christ = victory in the Angelic
Rebellion. Note the context of 10:1-4.       Conclusion: Obedience pleases other Christians.      Conclusion: Obedience to the truth = inclusive Christian love.      Conclusion: Obedience includes tests.      Conclusion: Christians should be authority oriented to government.  Historical
note: Nero is Emperor in Rome at this time.      Conclusion: Christian women are under an additional layer of subjection for
the sake of teaching angels.  Compare 1 Corinthians 11:10.      Conclusion: Believers are under an additional layer of subjection to those
devoted (full-time) to ministry.      Conclusion: Subjection relates to spiritual chain of command. Note the context
of 5:18-20.      Conclusion: Wives, arrange yourselves under your husbands as unto the Lord.      Conclusion: Subjection to God = life.      Conclusion: Subjection to God = success in the Angelic Rebellion.      Conclusion: Do not be subject to religious legalists.  See 2:4-6.