1) Vocabulary: Eusebes, a compound word.  Eu = good. Sebes =  worship, adore, stand in awe.

2) What  godliness is not:

     a) 2 Timothy 3:5; godliness can be faked to a certain degree.  Note verses 1-4 and 9.
     b) 1 Timothy 6:5; faked godliness is used for earthly gain.

3)  Power and knowledge for godliness:

     a) 2 Peter 1:3; Divine power and full knowledge for godliness.
     b) Titus 1:1; full knowledge, truth and godliness.
     c) 1 Timothy 6:3; sound words, doctrine and godliness.
     d) 1 Timothy 3:16; mystery, Jesus Christ and godliness.
     e) Compare Acts 17:23 to power and knowledge.

4) Christian way of life and godliness:

     a) Titus 2:12; sensibly, righteously, godly in the present age.
     b) 1 Timothy 2:1-2; prayer, leaders, quiet life and godliness.
     c) 1 Timothy 6:6; godliness + contentment = gain.  Note 6:11.
     d) 2 Peter 3:11; fear, holy conduct and godliness.
     e) 2 Peter 1:6-7; spiritual growth and godliness.
     f) 1 Timothy 5:4; family and godliness.

5) Eternal reward and godliness: 1 Timothy 4:7-8.

6) Suffering and godliness: 2 Timothy 3:12 compared with 2 Peter 2:9.