Biblical Concept: Freedom

1) Christ = freedom.

- John 8:33-36; freedom, sin, slavery and freedom in the Son.

     Conclusions: 1)  Jesus is addressing Pharisees at the temple treasury
(8:13, 20).  In response to Jesus’ comments about freedom in verses
31-32, the Pharisees claim freedom in Abraham (8:33).  2)  Jesus calls
humanity ‘slaves of sin’ in 8:34b.   3)  Making an analogy between a slave
and a son in verses 35-36, Jesus said that true freedom from sin is in the
Son--capital S.  Only Jesus Christ and Him crucified takes away the sin of
the world.  See John 1:29.

- John 8:30-32; Believers, God’s word, the truth and freedom.

     Conclusions: 1)  In verses 30-32, Jesus is addressing believers in Him.
2)  Abiding in God’s word = being Jesus’ disciple (verse 31).  3)  Abiding
in God’s word = knowing the truth = freedom (verses 31b-32).

- 2 Corinthians 3:17; the Lord, the Spirit, liberty, spiritual growth and reward.

      Conclusions: 1)  In the previous context, Paul has been discussing the
New Covenant in Christ, ministry, glory and veiling.  See verses 1-16.  2)
The Lord = liberty = no veil (3:17-18a).   3)  The Lord = spiritual growth
= reward (3:18).

2) Application of freedom.

- Romans 6:18; freed from sin and slaves to righteousness.  Also 8:2.

     Conclusions:  1) Freedom and the human condition is a relative thing.
The most freedom a human can enjoy is as a Christian who has been
given the position and potential of “freed from sin.”   2)  This maximum
human freedom comes with the cost of being a ‘slave to righteousness.’
The human moves from one form of slavery to another.  Obviously, a
slave to righteousness is a good thing.  But it is significant to note that the
human is yet a slave and we should adjust our authority orientation to the
‘freedom issue.’  Note also Paul’s argument in 6:19-23. And compare 1
Peter 2:16.

- James 1:25; liberty, law, abiding, doing and blessing.

     Conclusions: Liberty leads to the potentials of abiding, doing and
blessing.  Liberty leads to application of Bible Doctrine.  Compare
Galatians 5:13.

- 1 Corinthians 9:19; freedom, slavery and evangelism.

      Conclusions:  1)  Paul was free from all in the conduct of his soul life.
2)  Paul made himself a slave of all for the sake of evangelism.  Compare
1 Corinthians 10:29 and its context of 10:23-33.

- Galatians 5:1; freedom, Christ, standing firm and slavery.

     Conclusions:  1)  Jesus Christ is the source of freedom for humanity.
2)  Slavery = Law (5:3) = religion (for the New Testament believer).  3)
Stand firm: Keep applying Christ not law, freedom not religion.

- 1 Corinthians 7:21; calling, slaves and freedom.  Also 7:22-23.

      Conclusions:  1)  Paul states that it is better to be humanly free than
humanly a slave.  2)  Paul balances this human freedom with the concept
that all Christians are “Christ’s slave” (7:22b).  Let us balance our
thoughts on freedom with the spiritual authority orientation of ‘slaves of

3) Judgement and freedom.

- James 2:12; speaking, acting, judgement and law of liberty.

     Conclusions: 1)  What is the “law of liberty”?   In the verse context,
the “law of liberty” relates to ‘speaking and acting.’  According to the
following verse (2:13),  “the law of liberty” relates to ‘mercy’.  The “law
of liberty” is also mentioned in James 1:25.  There, it is found in
relationship to ‘looking, abiding, hearing and doing.’   Note also the
context of James 1:19-24.  This context describes improvement over sins
and the learning and applying of Bible Doctrine.  The above contexts
(2:12a, 2:13, 1:25, 1:19-24) have described “the law of liberty” as the
learning of God’s word and applying it to life.   2)   “Judgement” should
get our attention.  Because “Christ Jesus has set you free  from the law of
sin and of death” (Romans 8:2), you have new obligations.  You will be
judged by the many opportunities you have had to apply Bible Doctrine.

4) Attacks on freedom.

- Galatians 2:4; false brethren, spying and liberty in Christ Jesus.

     Conclusions:  1)  Who are the “false brethren?”  According to 2:1,
they were in Jerusalem.  According to 2:12a, they could be “certain men
from James.”  Who are the “false brethren?”:  Religious Jewish persons of
some fashion.  Compare Acts 15:1 and 15:5.   2)  ‘Spying’ is the reaction
of the religious to freedom in Christ.  3)  ‘Not yielding’ was Paul’s gospel
centered response.

- 2 Peter 2:19; false teachers, freedom and slavery.

     Conclusions:  1)  “False teachers” are first mentioned in 2:1.  2)
Freedom in the Christian life relates primarily to the application of Bible
Doctrine which overcomes sin and its destructive effects.  See Romans
6:18 and 8:2.  False teachers can never provide the Bible Doctrine which
‘overcomes enslaving sin’ (2:19b).  3)  In 2 Peter 2:19-22, Christian
reversionism = an eternal disaster = no freedom = little reward.

5) Freedom and the future.

- Romans 8:21, creation’s freedom.

     Conclusions:  1)   Currently, creation is subject to futility (8:20 cp.
with Genesis 3:17-19, sin and fall).  2)   During the Millennium, creation
will be “set free from its slavery to corruption” (8:21).  3)   In the future,
one of the chief blessings--freedoms--of eternity is the lack of a sin nature.
See 8:23.