BIBLICAL CONCEPT: The Eternal Deity Of Jesus Christ

1)  In Isaiah 9:6, the Messiah (Jesus Christ) is called: "Mighty God" and
"Eternal Father." He is God from all eternity not created.

2)  In Psalm 90:2 (compared with Col. 1:16) Jesus Christ is called the
"everlasting to everlasting" creator.  He cannot be "everlasting to
everlasting" if He was created.

3)  In Exodus 3:14-17 (compared with 1 Cor. 10:1-5 and John 8:58)
Jesus Christ calls Himself the "I am" "God." Particularly evident in the
Hebrew text, "I am" means to "exist" not be created.

4)  In John 5:18 and Phil. 2:6, Jesus Christ is called "equal with God."
Only God can be equal with God.

5)  In Hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ is called "the same yesterday and today,
yes and forever." He could not be the "same yesterday" if He was created.

6)  In 1 Cor. 12:4-6 Jesus Christ is called the "same" as the Holy Spirit and
God the Father.  He cannot be the "same" if he was created.

7)  In Isaiah 46:9-10, from eternity past, God says of Himself: "I am God,
and there is no one like me." In Hebrews 1:8 God the Father calls Jesus
Christ “O God.”  Jesus Christ could not have been created a God, He
must already be God.

8)  In Revelation 1:7-8 Jesus Christ is called the God "who is and who was
and who is to come, the Almighty." Particularly evident in the Greek Text,
Jesus Christ could not be created because He "was."

9)  In John 1:1-2 Jesus Christ is declared "with God" and "God from the
beginning.  The context of verse 3, the creation of "things" in the universe,
demonstrates that verses 1-2 covers the whole period previous to the
creation of anything.  "Beginning" is from eternity past.  Particularly
evident in the Greek Text is Jesus Christ's eternal status.  "Was" is used 4
times, and each time this verb uses the Imperfect Tense which describes
"continuous action in past time." Jesus Christ, the second member of the
Triune God, "was always" with God the Father in eternity past.

10)  Mica 5:2 (compared with Matthew 2:1-6) declares that Jesus Christ
would be born in Bethlehem but that "His goings forth are from long ago,
from the days of eternity." He could not go forth from "the days of
eternity" if He was created.

11)  Passages such as Hebrews 1:1-3, Philippians 2:5-11, Colossians
1:15-23, and Colossians 2:1-10 were originally written to help counter
attacks on the eternal Deity of Jesus Christ.  Today, in particular,
Colossians 1:15 and the words "first born" are used by nonChristians to
“prove” that Jesus Christ was created by God the Father.  Just the
opposite is true.  In the first part of verse 15 is the statement that Jesus
Christ is the "image of the invisible God." "Image" is the Greek word eikon
and includes the idea of "manifestation." This is a better English
translation here because Paul's point was that Jesus Christ is the
"manifestation" of the "invisible God." Thus, "first born" in the rest of verse
15 does not mean "first created" but "head of creation." "Head of creation"
is the topic of verses 16-18.  Also compare Colossians 1:16 with Psalm

12)  Conclusion: The Bible, studied in context, reveals again and again
the Deity of Jesus Christ from eternity past.  Believe in this Jesus Christ
and you will have eternal life (John 3:16).