BIBLICAL CONCEPT: The essence (quality, nature) of God

1.  Sovereign (self-sufficient) - Daniel 4:35.

2.  Righteous (good) - Psalm 145:17.

3.  Just (fair) - Deuteronomy 32:4.

4.  Love (seeks best) - 1 John 4:8-10.

5.  Eternal Life - 1 Timothy 6:16.

6.  Omniscient (knows all) - 1 John 3:20 and Psalm 147:4-5.

7.  Omnipotent (all powerful) - Psalm. 135:6 and Isaiah. 43:13.

8.  Omnipresent (everywhere) - Psalm. 139:7-12.

9.  Immutable (no change) - James 1:17.

10. Veracity (truth) - Psalm 33:4 and 117:2.

11. Emotions:

      a. Humor - Psalm 2:4.
      b. Anger - Psalm 2:5.
      c. Compassion - Jonah 4:11; 2 Chronicles. 36:15-16; Ezekiel
          18:21-23, 32.

12. Conclusions: The God of the Bible has perfect Personal balance.  We
      must also think of Him with balance.  God is "love" and "just" at the same
      time.  We humans cannot trick, manipulate, or rationalize the God of the