BIBLICAL CONCEPT:  Jesus, crucifixion, prophecy and fulfillment.

1)  Beaten - Isa. 52:14; 50:6-7 cp. with Matt. 26:67; 27:30.

2)  Silence - Isa. 53:7 cp. with Matt. 27:12-14.

3)  Crucified with transgressors - Isa. 53:12 cp. with Mark 15:27-28.

4)  Piercing of hands and feet - Psalm 22:16; Zech. 12:10 cp. with John

5)  Garment gambled for - Psalm 22:18 and cp. Matt. 27:35.

6)  Surrounded and ridiculed by enemies - Psalm 22:7-8 cp. with Matt.

7)  He would thirst - Psalm 69:21 cp. with John 19:28-29.

8)  Commitment of His spirit - Psalm 31:5  cp. with Luke 23:46.

9)  Bone not broken - Psalm 34:20; Exodus 12:46; and Numbers 9:12
     cp. with John 19:31-36.

10)  Stared at in death - Zech. 12:10 cp. with John 19:37.

11)  Buried with the rich - Isa. 53:9 cp. with Matt. 27:57-60.

12)  Raised from the dead - Psalm 16:8-10 cp. with Matt. 28:2-7.

13)  To ascend - Psalm 24:7-10 and Isa. 52:13 cp. with Mark 16:19.