Biblical Concept: The Work Of The Church

1) To glorify God - Ephesians 3:21.
2) To put Christ first in everything - Colossians 1:18.
3) To proclaim the excellencies of God - 1 Peter 2:9.
4) Be a pillar and support of the truth - 1 Timothy 3:15.
5) To teach angels - Ephesians 3:10.
6) To stimulate to love, good deeds, and encouragement - Hebrews
     10:24-25.  Note the love of 1 John 5:1-3.
7) To teach the Bible, God’s word, to facilitate spiritual growth - Acts
     2:42, 1 Timothy 4:13, 2 Timothy 4:1-2, Titus 1:9, Ephesians 2:19-22,
     4:11-16, Colossians 1:9-14, 1 Peter 2:5, and  2 Peter 3:18.